Conditioning with Imagery for Dancers (C-I Training)

C-I Training™ (conditioning-with-imagery) is a body system which incorporates both conditioning exercises for muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility, as well as visualization and imagery work for neuromuscular re-patterning (or movement re-education), alignment work, and mind-body integration and connectedness. Additionally, its purpose is to address problems with transfer of training from conditioning and re-alignment methodologies to movement practices in classes, rehearsals, performances, and daily life. The applications of C-I Training™ can assist with injury prevention, improved training practices, and appropriate warm-up procedures. It was developed by Dr. Donna Krasnow from whom Dr. Outevsky received training as advanced level trainer.

This workshop can be done in-person or online. It lasts 2 hours but can be longer by request to get a more in-depth overview of the topic. The in-person version of this seminar is part participatory, part lecture-based so the students should be ready to move and explore the basic tools of C-I training for dancers.


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